Short answers to the most important questions: What is the best Camino for beginners, which shoes are the best, can you go on a pilgrimage with a dog, how much does a Camino cost and much more.
weiterlesenNew rules for the Compostela for the Camino
Sometimes things change on the Camino too – you no longer have to walk the last 100 km to Santiago to get a Compostela!
weiterlesenCamino without Blisters
As a Camino specialist, I’ll share proven measures and what you can do if you can’t break in your shoes—and all without any gross pictures.
weiterlesenPorto for pilgrims
Where to stay and what to eat? Where to find last minute equipment and where to get help? Learn everything you need to know about Porto for Pilgrims!
weiterlesenHow much does a Camino cost?
Guide: From the airport directly to the Camino Portugues
Walking a Camino as a woman alone
I don´t have much time, can I cut a Camino short?
You can spend one to six weeks on the Portuguese and French Camino and combine different sections.
weiterlesenCamino de Santiago for beginners
The Portuguese Camino de Santiago is the most suitable Way of Saint James for beginners, but there are others who could fit better to you.
weiterlesenPortuguese vs. French Camino de Santiago
The two most famous Caminos de Santiago are different and both have their beauties. Find out which one fits more to your needs!